"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - C.S. Lewis

Over the last few months I have been able to experience Ireland in ways I never experienced my home country. I walk outside and feel the rain gently sweep down my face, I hear the melody of a distant guitar and let the sound of their voice wrap around me, I stand in awe of the view of a lake from a mountains peak. As I sit cuddled up in duvets with books around me writing this I am watching large snowflakes drift past my window and land on the cars on my street. The snow is sticking today, an unusual sight for Ireland, and it floods me with memories from home. I have not updated this blog lately because not much has happened la

tely, or maybe it just seems like life now. I'm not truly traveling, I'm living. I'm living in Cork City, County Cork, Ireland. I'm living in a city that has narrow streets that are navigated by small cars that would never make it to Canada. A city where buskers serenade you as you walk into town and volunteers ask you for money at every corner. I live in a country where the clouds move so fast that if you look up a moment later the dragon you saw would have morphed into a penguin or became a flower. If you were to ask me what Ireland looks like I could paint you a picture in words in minutes and continue describing it for hours. I could not do the same thing with Canada. Only in my last month while in Kelowna did I truly appreciate the beauty of a vineyard, the cozy feel of the valley and the peaceful swaying of the lake.

Here I sense everything. I can't believe that in less than three months I'll be leaving my home here. I am excited for the travels that await me and I can't wait to experience other cultures and to see the gorgeous cathedrals and ruins and architecture that are scattered around Europe but another part of me is already grieving Ireland. Lately I have been thinking about the people in my life. Being in Cork has helped me see them in a different light, helped me to appreciate them more. I am lucky enough to be loved by the most amazing parents a daughter could ask for and to have a true friend in my brother. The friends and family that God has brought along side me is

something I am blown away with but still too often take for granted. And now He has done it again. Here in Cork I've made friends that will last a lifetime. I have met people I love with every fibre of my being and as much as I want to gather together with lads from Lawson's Small Group and hear Jared lead us in a song and listen to each individual's take on scripture, as much as I desire to be enclosed in my parents or brothers arms or watch Chelsea capture the most beautiful moments with her camera I will miss the people I've met here.