I have not abandoned the blog! I realized only a week ago that my last update was over a month ago so I finally decided to take a full 2 hours (actually it may go onto 3 if I'm able to get through to a few people on Skype) and get caught up on all emails, blog posts and picture updates.
Life in Ireland has settled down some which I'm sure has something to do with the fact that life goes on as normal as it would in Canada. I fall in love with Ireland a little more each day which has made me wonder what it will be like when I head back home but as that is not for some time to come it is something I am not going to worry about or really even think about until I step foot on Canadian soil next year. The one aspect of Ireland I love the most is how slow life is. I finally feel like I've stepped out of the rat race of what my life in Calgary was beginning to be caught up in and I actually don't feel bad about taking lazy days. I've read more books since I've been here and knitted more then I have in the last year or even two years. As the days pass I begin to realize that life has nothing to do with big houses, new clothes, or even careers and has everything to do with relationships. Although I miss, almost desperately at times, the people I have left on the other side of the ocean, I have realized that there are two things I hold most dear in my life, my friends and family and my relationship with God. Everything else is secondary. When I first came to Ireland, what I wanted to learn was where I would be in the

Other then that things go on as normal and no big events to report. I've posted pictures up on Facebook so if you have time check them out! The Cliffs of Moher were unreal and the pictures don't do them justice.
I promise I'll update more regularly :0)
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